
Emerging Leaders Workshop

Given the flight of talent with the Great Resignation, many companies are promoting individual contributors to management positions earlier than they were planning in order to fill their talent pipeline. Given that the effectiveness of a manager is absolutely vital to retaining people, the need to invest in preparing people to take on the additional responsibilities of management is critically important. This two-day workshop supports new managers in being prepared for this paradigm shift.

NOTE: We ask that organizations send up to two individuals to this workshop. If your organization is interested in having more individuals participate, we can work with you to create a customized solution to meet your needs and goals.

About the workshop

New supervisors/managers

  • Learn to effectively delegate, deliver meaningful feedback and managing successfully up and down
  • Practice intentional influencing, expectation-setting and delivering feedback through various leadership styles
  • Become more self-aware of their own emotional energy and learn skills to display personal emotional intelligence while fostering an emotionally aware and positive workplace climate
  • Gain insight on strategies to help produce greater buy-in from those they lead while improving their follower performance for those leading them
  • Learn to harness and apply leadership styles and strengths in high stakes environments
  • Techniques for improving self-awareness, managing emotional energy and engaging in difficult conversations
  • Tools to support in actively managing up and managing down
  • The importance of active listening skills to create an open and trust-based environment
  • Acknowledging growth and vulnerability by responding with “I don’t know, but I will work to find out” when asked a question to which they don’t have the answer

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