Joyce Weil

Associate Professor, Gerontology Program Coordinator

Joyce Weil

Contact Info

Health Professions, Room 3120 U


PhD, Sociology, Demography Concentration, Fordham University, New York, NY, 2007

MPH, Population and Family Health, Maternal and Child Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1995

BS, Health Science, Community Health Education, Hunter College, The City University of New York, New York, NY, 1993

Credentialed Professional Gerontologist (CPG), National Association for Professional Gerontologists. (September 21, 2016 - Present)

Certificate in Gerontology, Institute on Aging, School of Medicine, Temple University, 2008

Areas of Expertise

• Meaning and role of place for older adults
• Aging and the inequalities across the lifecourse
• Intersectionality and aging
• Interdisciplinary aging research
• Home and community-based services
• Applied and social research methods


Dr. WeiI is trained in quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods and emergent methodologies. She is associate editor for the Journal of Women & Aging and an editorial board member of the Gerontologist, Gerontology & Geriatrics Education and the Pedagogy in Health Promotion journals.  Dr. Weil is an active member of the Gerontological Society of America  as a co-leader of the Qualitative Research Interest Group, a GSA Mentor,  and she holds the Gerontological Society of America's fellow status, FGSA.

Dr. Weil has worked in applied health research settings (as an Assistant Project Manager position in a Department of Health Policy) and as a consultant for statistical and international organizations (the American Statistical Association and the United Nations, respectively). She has also been a remote learning consultant and curriculum manager for a non-profit organization working with technology and older adults.  

In addition to her body of peer-reviewed articles, she is the author of 4 books: the New Neighborhood Senior Center (2014), Rutgers University Press; Race and the Lifecourse (2014), Palgrave Macmillan; Research Design in Aging and Social Gerontology: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods (2017), Routledge; and Why Place Matters: Place and Place Attachment for Older Adults (2023), Routledge. She is working on revising her book, Research Design in Aging and Social Gerontology, with a second edition planned for 2025.

Selected Publications


Weil, J. (2024). Co-partnering in a virtual photovoice study design with older adults: A methodological approach" The Gerontologist (64), 6,

Weil, J. & Karlin, N. (2023). Improving Home and Community-Based Services cost assessment for underrepresented groups of older adults, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 24(9), P1263-1265.

Casanova, G., Weil, J., & Cerqueira, M.(2023). The evolution of Universities of the Third Age around the world: A historical review. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 1-16.

Hostetler, A., & Weil, J. (2023). Foregrounding the aging self: A duoethnographic account of growing older as a gerontologist. Ageing & Society. (2023), 1-20. doi:10.1017/S0144686X22001465

Karlin, N. & Weil, J. (2022): Need and potential use of telemedicine in two rural areas. Activities, Adaptation & Aging (2022), 1-13. doi:10.1080/01924788.2022.2160689

Weil, J., Karlin, N. J., & Monroe, K. (2022). Developing a conceptual model with policy implications to better support healthcare providers working with older adults during a pandemic: An interpretive descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Applied Gerontology42(5), 832–841. 

Weil, J. (2022). Exploring dialogic analysis and thematic analysis of place conversations with older adults, Working with Older People, 27 (3): 211-218.

Karlin, N. J., Weil, J., & Monroe, K. (2022). Experiences of service providers working with older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress & Coping, 27(6), 495–515.

Weil, J., Kamber, T., Glazebrook, A., Giorgi, M., Ziegler, K. (2021). Digital Inclusion of Older Adults during   COVID-19: Lessons from a case study of Older Adults Technology Services (OATS). Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 64(6), 643-655.

Weil, J. (2020). Pandemic place: Assessing domains of the person-place fit measure for older adults. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 33(4/5), 332–341.

Weil J. (2020). Developing the Person-Place Fit Measure for Older Adults: Broadening place domains. The Gerontologist60(8), 548–558.

 Weil, J. (2020). Is the place the thing?: The role of place in later life. Journal of Women and Aging, 32(1),

Weil, J., Karlin, N., Lyu, Z. (2020). Mobile messenger Apps as data-collection method among older adults: WeChat in a health-related survey in the People’s Republic of China. SAGE Research Methods Cases,

Weil, J. (2019). relationship to place for older adults in a New York City neighborhood undergoing gentrification: a discourse analysis. City & Community (18) 4, 1267-1286.


Weil, J. (2025). Research Design in Aging and Social Gerontology: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. Second Edition, New York: Routledge.

Weil, J.  (2023). Why Place Matters: Place and Place Attachment for Older Adults. Routledge: A Taylor & Francis Group.

Weil, J. (2017). Research Design in Aging and Social Gerontology: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. First Edition New York: Routledge.

Weil, J. (2014). In Mitra, D. and Weil, J. (Ed.), Race and the Lifecourse: Readings from the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Age. Palgrave.

Weil, J. (2014). The New Neighborhood Senior Center: Redefining Social and Service Roles for the Baby Boom Generation. Rutgers University Press.


  • GERO 101: Introduction to Gerontology
  • AHLT 445: Research Methods in Interprofessional Health Studies
  • HLTH 615: Qualitative and Quantitative Principles
  • PAST 601: Research Methods in Physician Assistant Studies